Write for us

Want to write for the QGP?

Yes, you. We’re always looking for new contributors. We want to hear about it if you’ve got an opinion that will challenge our readers and move our vision forward. Just aim to bring readers a fresh perspective on a topic that’s keeping you up at night.

You’ve come to the right place for guest post guidelines to pitch your ideas about the business and craft of freelance writing.

Our community is a Fast-growing Community Blog with visitors looking for startup stories, news, and articles. Incredible, isn’t it? Right. It’s every writer’s dream to reach an audience of that size and caliber.

What we’re looking for

Quality Guest Posts is tightly focused on How-to content, lifestyle, business news content, health, and everything you are keen to write about. That would be great. Bring them on and send them all the guidelines as mentioned below. 

Keep in mind that we only accept original content—we do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere (including on your blog).

Where should you send your article?

Email us your submission. We prefer submissions as Google documents so that editors can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft.

    A Few Guidelines to Keep in Mind

    1. Articles should be written within a range of 700-800 words. Editors hold the right to edit out the excess words. 
    2. A few copyright-free photos should accompany articles. If the authors do not have their pictures, they can source them from the web, but after taking permission from copyright holders.
    3. Authors must provide original content since we do not tolerate any plagiarism. 
    4. Authors should refrain from overemphasizing their points and minimize flowery language.
    5. Do not oversell a place or a product, but do not shrike away from presenting any negative aspects.
    6. All freelance content samples, including graphic submissions submitted to the editor or web admin, will become the property of Quality guest Posts. They will be used for our sites in whatever suitable way, but proper bylines will be given to the copyright owners.

    Submit your article-

    Write for us Write for us Reviewed by Admin on August 09, 2021 Rating: 5
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