Celebrity Interview Secrets: 7 Strategies for Writers to Score a Meeting

 How to Score a Celebrity Interview

It can be one of the most enjoyable assignments in journalism…the celebrity interview.

You interview movie stars, music artists, or politicians. Or maybe your jams is magicians, authors, dancers, or mega-church pastors.

Pick your favorite flavor, and book a celebrity interview.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

You meet up with the rich and famous. Ask loads of curious questions. Write a pitch or story. And editors and fans are foaming at the mouth over your inside scoop.

If only it were that easy. Ever wonder how to score a celebrity interview?

Celebrity Interview Secrets: 7 Strategies for Writers to Score a Meeting Celebrity Interview Secrets: 7 Strategies for Writers to Score a Meeting Reviewed by Admin on August 09, 2021 Rating: 5

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